Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I going to dive into this again!

I have been doing some reading and some soul searching. I know that I can't stuff the veggies down my throat and be happy. I know that not everything we eat is going to make us happy so ... I am going to take a stab at all of this again. I have never completely stopped doing paleo/zone. I just haven't felt guilty if I fell off the wagon. There really isn't an easy way to catch up on the last week. Since I am a pretty bland eater it might be easier that I think you give you a brief re-cap of the majority of the food I have eaten. Usually for breakfast I have my eggwhites, flaxseed, and some almond milk. Lunch has been turkey sandwich (yes Pepridge Farm thins) and grapefruit. Snack has been a zone bar or a Larabar and dinner usually consists of chicken or steak or pulled pork with beans or sweet potato.

I was informed again that what is lacking are the veggies ... no kidding. I know I need to try more. I just need to figure out how to cook them so they don't taste so bland. Last week I said i would put spinach in my eggs and never did. This week I will. Ok ... maybe next week since I really don't know when I'll be able to get to the grocery between now and Sunday but I will try. As far as everything else ... I'll work on it.

Have a great evening and I'll see you at CF!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am not so sure about this ...

So here is the deal ... Not so sure I can/want to do Paleo for the next six weeks. I know that I am going to continue making healthier food choices but since I don't eat veggies or seafood I am pretty limited in my selection of meals. I am going to research into the Zone diet and see if that can better fit my food choices. I have slipped a bit this weekend but intend to continue posting my food as of today. I know that it won't be 100% Paleo but it will be the best I can do without being miserable. I will continue to try veggies but if I haven't liked them for the first 37 years I am not sure how I will like them for the next 37!

Have a great weekend and I'll see you at CF this week!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Double Day Update

I am a bit behind but since my eating is very boring it is not hard to catch up ...

Breakfast: Almond flour pancake with Almond Butter (yummy)
Snack: Banana
Lunch: chicken and handfull of almonds
Dinner: Grilled Chicken .... I know I know .... Need more veggies! My problem is I hate them and I really have no problem eating pure protein night after night.

Banana before morning run
Breakfast: Amond flour pancake with Almond Butter
Snack: Larabar (Banana is yummy)
Lunch: cheat since my daughter forgot to bring our lunchbox Zone bar and peach
Snack before WOD banana with almond butter
Dinner: Huge pork chop!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Long Day ...

This morning started off with a cheat ...
Breakfast: one medium Buttermilk pancake with kids
Lunch: Turkey rolls and strawberries
Dinner: grilled chicken

Getting ready to try making some almond pancakes so I can possibly use it as "bread" when I feel the need to have a sandwich.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

If I don't change something my eating is going to bore me to death ...

Today started off with a nine mile run. I followed that up with a big bowl of fruit and a WOD! I had to do a make up so from a run to a work out! Love it! Eating for me was very erratic but still Paleo Friendly ... Fruit, Larabar for snack, almond butter on a spoon, Turkey for lunch, and then to wrap up the day I rewarded myself with a nice steak and a sweet potato (from all the running). Tomorrow I shop for sone more ingredients in order to make some more Paleo friendly dishes... Gonna get those Veggies in!

I feel like all I did was eat ...

Friday was a day FULL of Paleo Eating! I don't know if it was the stress at work or a full week of WODs and running but ... all I wanted to do Friday was eat. I did manage to make it 99% Paleo. By noon my head was killing me and my students were about to drive me over the edge so I splurged with a Diet Coke! Besides that I had... Breakfast; Left over chicken (from Dinner) and fruit, Snacked all day on a bag of nuts (sun flower, pumpkin, pine, raisins, a bit of dried fruit), Lunch was chicken meatballs and strawberries and blueberries, and dinner was more chicken meatballs. I know I know ... where are the viggies? My goal for next week is to find some viggies and some good way to cook them so that I'll eat them. I pretty much hate all veggies and salad so pure Paleo is hard for me. Next week I am really going to work on some more variety and have got to find some veggies that I'll be able to eat.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Food From Wednesday

Yesterday was a hurried and boring food day.

Breakfast was pretty much the same: egg whites and fruit

Lunch was apples, raisins, and walnuts dipped in almond butter

Snack: Larabar (apple of some sort)

and dinner was flank steak! Yummy.

I definately felt the lack of calories in my run this morning. Have to get a shopping list going so that next week I am much better prepared.

Stay tuned for today's update and hopefully a revised Blog Site. Mine is just way too boring!!!!!